
In order to destigmatize sex work, we are committed to teaching our communities about our anti-oppressive, harm-reducing, and traumainformed practices. We do this by speaking at schools, colleges/universities, and community settings about sex work and why the full decriminalization of sex work is important for everyone in our society. We also share our expertise through legal education workshops for sex workers as well as trainings for service providers and community organizations. We conduct groundbreaking human rights documentation rooted in the real-life experiences of sex workers and survivors of trafficking. We engage in media advocacy and started a docuseries that is for and by sex workers to help destigmatize sex and sexuality. Our first short documentary is called Sex(ual) Healing and debuted Sept. 2021 at The Roxy Hotel. This film has already been accepted to major film festivals such as Newfest and The Berlin Porn Film Festival and has encouraged conversation around human rights for sex workers. The next film in our series will focus on sex worker families.

To book a training session, email Abby Anzalone at

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SWP Presents…


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We welcome your questions and comments

Main Office

40 Rector Street, 9th Floor
New York, NY 10006

Telephone: 646-602-5617



SWP does not receive walk in clients or inquiries. Please call our helpline at 646-602-5617
