Policy Advocacy

Through our policy advocacy we defend the human rights of sex workers and trafficking survivors. To realize the political and social change needed to destigmatize and decriminalize sex work, SWP engages in policy advocacy at the local, state, federal, and international levels. SWP also supports community partners in organizing efforts that are sex workerled. Over decades of policy advocacy, we have realized many critical policywins both led by SWP and in coalition with other sex worker-led and aligned organizations. These crucial shifts in policy include, but are not limited to, introduction of historic sex work decriminalization bills in Oregon and New York, record relief for survivors of trafficking in New York State through the passage of a first-of-its kind vacatur bill in 2010 and its expansion through the START Act passed in 2021, advising on the reauthorization of the federal Trafficking Victims Protection Act, and the reintroduction of the SAFE SEX Workers Study Act in Congress. 

To access the resources we have created around policy advocacy and other aspects of our work, click here.

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Main Office

40 Rector Street, 9th Floor
New York, NY 10006

Telephone: 646-602-5617

Email: swp@urbanjustice.org


SWP does not receive walk in clients or inquiries. Please call our helpline at 646-602-5617
