Quick Exit / Salida Rapida
Quick Exit / Salida Rapida

Abigail Anzalone (New York, NY)

Our Team

Abigail Anzalone (New York, NY)

Abby Anzalone, Co-Director, is a Fully Accredited DOJ Representative. She is an immigration law practitioner whose clients include sex workers and trafficking survivors.   She submits applications to United States Citizenship and Immigration Services on behalf of clients and represents clients in immigration court who are at risk of deportation from the United States.  As a member of SWP’s legal staff, Abby brings to the team her experience with LGBTQ asylum law and immigration applications for survivors of trafficking and interpersonal violence.  Before joining SWP in 2015, Abby was a certified Spanish medical interpreter and taught English in Barcelona, Spain, and to immigrant communities in Flushing, New York. She has a B.A. in Spanish from Antioch College and a Master’s degree in Translation and Localization from Rovira i Virgili University in Tarragona, Spain.  A native of Baltimore, MD, she currently resides in Brooklyn, NY with her family.


We welcome your questions and comments

Main Office

40 Rector Street, 9th Floor
New York, NY 10006

Telephone: 646-602-5617

Email: swp@urbanjustice.org

Visit our website at: https://sexworkersproject.org


SWP does not receive walk in clients or inquiries. Please call our helpline at 646-602-5617


2024-07-01T08:58:02-04:00September 9th, 2020|